Groups API

Use the Groups API to add, edit, list, and delete groups in Apperian. Groups are the connection between individual users and applications. In order for a user to have access to an application in the App Catalog, the user must be a member of the group to which the application belongs.

You can create groups to organize user access to applications. For example, you may want to create groups for different functional areas within your organization since employees in each of those areas will have different application needs.

The system has one default group called “All Users.” You cannot delete or change the name of the All Users group.

The Groups API lets you:

  • List all groups
  • Add, update, or delete a group
  • Add one user to multiple groups
  • Add multiple users to one group
  • Remove one or more users from a group
  • List all applications in a group
  • List all groups associated with a specific application
  • Add to and delete applications from a group
  • Specify that an application is mandatory for a group


  • Users can only view groups that they are assigned to, unless they have the Administrator, User Manager, or App Manager roles.
  • Apperian assigns a unique ID to each application you add. With the Publishing API, this ID is returned as an appID. With other API resources, it is returned as either an app_psk or app_id (or both). When you send a request to any REST API resources where you need to specify an ID for an application, you can send the appID, app_id, or app_psk; Apperian accepts the value of any of these parameters.


DELETE /v1/groups/(group)

Delete Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Permanently deletes a group from the authenticated user’s organization. Before deleting a group, consider the impact it will have on members of that group. They will no longer be able to access applications they were authorized to use based on membership to that group.

You cannot delete the “All Users” group; it is the system’s default group.


Environment URL
North America<group>

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameters

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

The following example deletes group 123.

curl -X DELETE --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

  "deleted_group": {
    "psk": 123,
    "name": "Green Team",
    "description": "Office Green Team Project"
DELETE /v1/groups/(group)/applications/

Delete Applications from Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Removes a comma-separated list of applications from a group. Specify apps by app_psk.


Environment URL
North America<group>/applications/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameters

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters

(Required) Comma-separated list of the app_psks for the applications you want to remove from the group.

Example Request

The following example removes apps 14203, 5714, 14205 from group 576.

curl -X DELETE
      --header "Content-Type: application/json"
      --header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA"
      --data '{"app_psk": [14203, 5714, 14205]}'

Example Response

  "apps_removed": [
   "apps_failed": []
DELETE /v1/groups/(group)/users/

Remove Users from Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Removes a comma-separated list of users from a group. Specify users by user_psk.


Environment URL
North America<group>/users/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: integer

Header Parameters

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters

(Required) Comma-separated list of the user_psks for the users you want to remove from the group.

Example Request

The following example removes user 21778 from group 3635. The command also attempts to remove user 103172, but that user is not in group 3635.

curl -X DELETE
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA"
--data '{"user_psk": [103172, 26886]}'

Example Response

  "users_failed": [
      "object_id": 103172,
      "error": {
         "code": 20,
         "message": "User 103172 is not in the group 3635",
         "guid": "2bbcb3f0-7fe4-4aac-ac09-1673e578a8de",
         "error_details": null
   "users_removed": [
GET /v1/groups/

List All Groups

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Returns a list of all the groups for the authenticated user’s organization. This list includes the number of users and number of applications belonging to each group.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters

When you send a GET request to this resource, you can specify URL parameters to search, sort, and paginate the JSON data returned in the response. For more information, see Controlling GET Responses.

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

  "groups": [
       "app_count": 74,
       "psk": 3071,
       "user_count": 36,
       "name": "All Users",
       "description": "All Users in system (default group)"
       "app_count": 1,
       "psk": 3634,
       "user_count": 6,
       "name": "Boston",
       "description": "Boston Employees"
       "app_count": 0,
       "psk": 3635,
       "user_count": 5,
       "name": "Engineering",
       "description": "Engineering Team"
       "app_count": 6,
       "psk": 5326,
       "user_count": 3,
       "name": "Customer Support",
       "description": "Worldwide Customer Support Organization"
       "app_count": 0,
       "psk": 5775,
       "user_count": 1,
       "name": "QA Workflow",
       "description": "Quality assurance engineering"
       "app_count": 0,
       "psk": 6255,
       "user_count": 4,
       "name": "Valladolid",
       "description": "Valladolid Office"
       "app_count": 0,
       "psk": 6413,
       "user_count": 3,
       "name": "Paris Sales",
       "description": "Paris Sales Office"
    "total_available": 7
GET /v2/groups/(group)/applications/

List Applications in Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Returns a list of the applications that are in the specified group.


Environment URL
North America<group>/applications/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

This example lists applications in the group with the 123 group_id.

curl -X GET --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

There is one application in the group.

   "applications": [
       "required": false,
       "mandatory": false,
       "url_scheme": "",
       "id": "A4jwZ8qBV5bf53AeA6lrNA",
       "is_adhoc": false,
       "is_hybrid": false,
       "required_by": "2012-01-20T05:00:00+00:00",
       "push_enabled": false,
       "reviews_enabled": null,
       "latest_version_id": "A4jwZ8qBV5bf53AeA6lrNA",
       "type": 0,
       "status": 1,
       "sort_weight": 1000,
       "no_auth_delivery_enabled": false,
       "add_to_start": false,
       "bundle_id": "com.apperian.Actions",
       "banner_image_url": null,
       "operating_system": 1,
       "versions": [
           "app_name": "Actions",
           "app_id": "A4jwZ8qBV5bf53AeA6lrNA",
           "form_factor": 3,
           "wrap_status": 1,
           "sign_status": 0,
           "long_description": "Get out there and start an adventure, with Actions!",
           "author": "JBC",
           "id": "A4jwZ8qBV5bf53AeA6lrNA",
           "required_by": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999",
           "kryptowire_verification_status": 0,
           "version_note": "This version includes various bug fixes.",
           "binary_version": "2.0",
           "latest_install_file": 10,
           "icon_path": "org_2/iphone_8/Actions_57.png",
           "custom_metadata": null,
           "short_description": "This is the short description for the Actions application.",
           "min_os_version": null,
           "notify_users": false,
           "version_num": "2.0",
           "release_date": "2012-01-20T19:53:48.542084+00:00",
           "required": false,
           "latest_install_file_id": "Xv_hgo4lqNZ5LHqFpN_yfg"
       "latest_version": 8,
       "required_by_group": false,
       "is_app_catalog": false,
       "latest": true
GET /v2/groups/(group)/users/

List Users in Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Returns a list of users in a specified group.


Environment URL
North America<group>/users/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

   "users_in_group": [
       "id": "zDSrz_B5N_FjYAHlHBosnQ",
       "first_name": "Alexander",
       "last_name": "Christopher",
       "email": "",
       "mobile_phone": "978-448-8637",
       "role": 1,
       "created_date": "2012-05-02T19:36:02+00:00",
       "until_date": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999",
       "disabled_reason": null,
       "user_id": "",
       "last_login_from_catalog": null
       "id": "Aegm9Dfmsb4dSxpt8lZTjA",
       "first_name": "Melanie",
       "last_name": "Boatwright",
       "email": "",
       "mobile_phone": "978-448-8637",
       "role": 1,
       "created_date": "2012-05-02T19:36:02+00:00",
       "until_date": "2013-11-18T14:38:26+00:00",
       "disabled_reason": 0,
       "user_id": "",
       "last_login_from_catalog": null
POST /v1/groups/

Add Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Adds a new group to the authenticated user’s organization. When you create a new group, you are required to provide a group name and description. Optionally, you can also add users and assign applications to the group. When you assign an application, you can specify whether it is mandatory for the group. When an application is mandatory, users are forced to install the latest version of the app that is available to them before they can use the App Catalog.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters

(Required) Name for the group. Maximum characters: 128
(Required) Description for the group that will appear in the list of groups on the Groups page in the Admin Portal. Maximum characters: 500

(Optional) Include the following array:

  • add_users lists the user_psks for users that you want to add to the group.

For example:

"users": {"add_users": [123, 345, 789]}

(Optional) An array of objects describing this group’s relationships with applications.

Each object must contain the following parameters:

  • id: The identifier (app_psk) for the app to add or remove.
  • versions: The ID of a specific version to assign to the group. If you want the group to have access to
    the latest version of the app (even if new versions are uploaded), then set is_latest to true and send an empty array with this attribute.
  • is_mandatory: A boolean that specifies that the app is mandatory for users in the group.
  • is_latest: A boolean specifies that the latest version of the app will always be assigned to the group.
    When set to true, send an empty array with the versions parameter.
  • is_assigned: A boolean specifies whether the app is assigned to the group.
    To assign an app to the group, set to true.

For example:

"apps": [
    { "is_assigned": true, "id": 77, "versions": [], "is_mandatory": true, "is_latest": true },
    { "is_assigned": true, "id": 85, "versions": [124], "is_mandatory": false, "is_latest": false }

Example Request

This request creates a grouped named Paris and adds three users to the group. It also assigns two applications to the group. With one app, the latest version is assigned; with the other app, a specific version is assigned.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"
     --header "X-TOKEN: nF7ByByxRlyDd59qMkCLZA" --data '{"name": "Paris", "description": "Paris Office",
     "users": { "add_users": [404975, 404969, 404964]}, "apps": [ { "is_assigned": true, "id": 58643,
     "versions": [], "is_mandatory": true, "is_latest": true }, { "is_assigned": true, "id": 61043,
     "versions": [184295], "is_mandatory": false, "is_latest": false }]}'

Example Response

This is an example of a successful response returned regardless of whether the request included the optional users and apps parameters.

  "group": {
    "psk": 9859,
    "name": "Paris",
    "description": "Paris Office"

Backward Compatibility

The following data parameters are still supported for backward compatibility with older API integrations. If you are doing any new development that interfaces with this resource, use the parameters listed above.

The same as name above.
The same as description above.

(Optional) Include an included_users array listing the user_psks for any users that you want to add to the new group. For example:

"users": {"included_users": [123, 345, 789]}

(Optional) Include the included_apps array listing the app_psks for any users that you want to add to the new group. For example:

"apps": {"included_apps": [8987, 6547, 2765]}

Example Request

This request creates a grouped named Paris, but does not populate it with any users or assign any applications to it.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA"
--data '{"group_name": "Paris", "group_description": "Paris Office"}'

This request creates a grouped named Boston that is populated with three users and has three applications assigned to it.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA"
--data '{"group_name": "Boston", "group_description": "Boston Office",
         "users": {"add_users": [118985, 118951, 118950]},
         "apps": [{ "is_assigned": true, "id": 77, "versions": [], "is_mandatory": true, "is_latest": true }]}'

Example Response

This is an example of a successful response returned regardless of whether the request included the optional users and apps parameters.

  "group": {
    "psk": 6413,
    "name": "Paris",
    "description": "Paris Office"
POST /v1/groups/(group)/applications/

Add Applications to Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Adds a comma-separated list of applications to a specified group. Specify apps by app_psk.


Environment URL
North America<group>/applications/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters

(Required) Comma-separated list of the app_psks for the applications you want to add to the group.

Example Request

The following example adds apps 14203, 5714, and 14205 to group 123.

curl -X POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA" \
     --data '{"app_psk": [14203, 5714, 14205]}'

Example Response

  "apps_added": [
  "apps_failed": []
POST /v1/groups/(group)/users/

Add Multiple Users to Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Adds a list of users to a specified group. Specify users by user_psk.


Environment URL
North America<group>/users/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters

(Required) Comma-separated list of the user_psks for the users you want to add to the group.

Example Request

The following example adds users with user_psks 103172, 26886, and 21778 to group 123.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"
     --header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA" --data '{"user_psk": [103172, 26886, 21778]}'

Example Response

  "users_failed": [],
  "users_added": [
POST /v1/groups/users/(user)

Add One User to Multiple Groups

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Adds a specified user to a list of groups. Specify groups by group_psk.


Environment URL
North America<user>

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the user you want to add to the list of groups. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters

(Required) Comma-separated list of the group_psks for the groups to which you want to add the user.

Example Request

The following example adds user 21778 to groups 3635, 5775, and 6178.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"
     --header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA" --data '{"group_psk": [3635, 5775, 6178]}'

Example Response

  "added_groups": [
  "failed_groups": []
PUT /v1/groups/(group)

Update Group

Requires administrator privileges. Authenticate as an Apperian administrator.

Updates data for an existing group in the authenticated user’s organization. You can update any of the following data parameters:

  • Group name
  • Group description
  • Users in the group (add and/or remove users)
  • Applications assigned to the group (add and/or remove applications)

When you assign an application, you can specify whether it is mandatory for the group. When an application is mandatory, users are forced to install the latest version of the app that is available to them before they can use the App Catalog.


Environment URL
North America<group>

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the group. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters

(Optional) Updated name for the group. Maximum characters: 128
(Optional) Updated description for the group. Maximum characters: 500

(Optional) Include one or both of the following arrays:

  • add_users lists the user_psks for users that you want to add to the group.
  • remove_users lists the user_psks for users that you want to remove from the group.

For example:

"users": {"add_users": [123, 345, 789],"remove_users": [123, 345, 789]}

(Optional) An array of objects describing changes to this group’s relationship with the included applications.

Each object must contain the following parameters:

  • id: The identifier (app_psk) for the app to add or remove.
  • versions: The ID of a specific version to assign to the group. If you want the group to have access to the latest version of the app (even if new versions are uploaded), then set is_latest to true and send an empty array with this attribute.
  • is_mandatory: A boolean that specifies that the app is mandatory for users in the group.
  • is_latest: A boolean that specifies that the latest version of the app will always be assigned to the group. When set to true, send an empty array with the versions parameter.
  • is_assigned: A boolean specifying whether the app is assigned to the group. To unassign an app already in the group, set to false. To assign a new app to the group, set to true.

For example:

The following example adds an app to the group and removes an app from the group.

"apps": [
    { "is_assigned": true, "id": 77, "versions": [], "is_mandatory": true, "is_latest": true },
    { "is_assigned": false, "id": 85, "versions": [124], "is_mandatory": false, "is_latest": false }

Example Request

This request edits the Paris group to remove one user and add one user. It also unassigns one application from the group, and assigns the latest version of another application.

curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json"
     --header "X-TOKEN: I3qt5YrvTXKvvIWXPqkIrQ" --data '{"users": { "add_users": [404947], "remove_users":
     [404975]}, "apps": [ { "is_assigned": false, "id": 58643, "versions": [], "is_mandatory": true,
     "is_latest": true }, { "is_assigned": true, "id": 61576, "versions": [], "is_mandatory": false,
     "is_latest": true }]}'

Example Response

This is an example of a successful response returned regardless of whether the request included the optional users and apps parameters.

  "group": {
    "psk": 9859,
    "name": "Paris",
    "description": "Paris Office"

Backward Compatibility

The following data parameters are still supported for backward compatibility with older API integrations. If you are doing any new development that interfaces with this resource, use the parameters listed above.

The same as name above.
The same as description above.

(Optional) Include one or both of the following arrays:

  • included_users list of the the user_psks for any users that you want to add to the group.
  • removed_users list of the user_psks for any users that you want to remove from the group.

For example:

"users": {"included_users": [123, 345, 789],"removed_users": [123, 345, 789]}

(Optional) Include one or both of the following arrays:

  • included_apps lists the app_psks for any apps that you want to add to the group.
  • removed_apps lists the app_psks for any apps that you want to remove from the group.

For example:

"apps": {"included_apps": [8987, 6547, 2765],"removed_apps": [8764,998,432]}

Example Request

This request changes the name of a group from Paris to Paris Sales. It also changes the description of the group. It does not modify the group’s user membership or applications.

curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "X-TOKEN: hShU5OD-SiadD8gyC_K4HA"
--data '{"group_name": "Paris Sales", "group_description": "Paris Sales Office"}'

This request updates the group to add and remove both users and groups.

curl -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "X-TOKEN: iLrSdf8yTu2LPui9mzMVog"
--data '{"group_name": "Boston", "group_description": "Boston Office",
         "users": {"included_users": [118949], "removed_users": [118985]},
         "apps": [{ "is_assigned": false, "id": 77, "versions": [], "is_mandatory": true, "is_latest": true },
                  { "is_assigned": false, "id": 85, "versions": [12], "is_mandatory": false, "is_latest": false}]

Example Response

  "group": {
     "psk": 6413,
     "name": "Paris Sales",
     "description": "Paris Sales Office"
GET /v2/groups/applications/(application)/

List Groups Associated with a Specific Application

Requires user context. Use session token returned from POST /users/authenticate.

Returns the list of groups associated with the application.


Environment URL
North America<application>/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID assigned by Apperian to the application. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) API token or User token (POST /users/authenticate). For more information, see Authentication.

Example Request

curl -X GET
     --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

In the following example response, the application is assigned to three groups: All Users, Boston, and QA. The Boston group is specifically assigned to version 2.0 of the app, while the other groups will always see the latest (most recent) version of this app. This app is mandatory for the Boston group.

  "groups": [
      "is_latest_assigned": false,
      "mandatory": true,
      "name": "Boston",
      "versions": [
          "version_num": "2.0",
          "version_note": "Various bug fixes.",
          "sign_status": 1,
          "wrap_status": 0,
          "id": "duUg3f151oxu0Uye7L0pVQ"
      "id": "Ynm4meEuG4HOIOu7zwtC3A",
      "description": "All Users in system (default group)"
      "is_latest_assigned": true,
      "mandatory": false,
      "name": "All Users",
      "versions": [],
      "id": "Aegm9Dfmsb4dSxpt8lZTjA",
      "description": "Users in the Boston office"
      "is_latest_assigned": true,
      "mandatory": false,
      "name": "QA",
      "versions": [],
      "id": "zDSrz_B5N_FjYAHlHBosnQ",
      "description": "QA engineers"