Common Organization Data¶
In order to simplify the organization management process, the response from the following endpoints always returns an organization object in JSON form:
- GET /v3/organizations/<org_id>
- PUT /v3/organizations/<org_id>
The following table describes the editable fields in the organization object:
Field | Type | Description |
support_email | String | For more information, see Modify the Support Email Address. |
email_from_name | String | Set the name that appears in the From field for automatic email notifications. |
email_from_address | String | Set the email address that appears in the From field for automatic email notifications. |
email_reply_to_address | String | Set the email address used for replying to automatic email notifications. |
invite_template_for_user | String | For more information, see Customizing Email Messages. |
invite_subject_for_user | String | For more information, see Customizing Email Messages. |
invite_template_for_affiliated | String | For more information, see Customizing Email Messages. |
invite_subject_for_affiliated | String | For more information, see Customizing Email Messages. |
session_timeout_in_minutes | Integer | Set the number of minutes a user stays logged into the App Catalog if they don’t choose Remember Me at login. 10 minutes by default. |
remember_me_timeout_in_minutes | Integer | Set the number of minutes a user stays logged into the App Catalog if they do choose Remember Me at login. 1 week by default. |
no_auth_app_delivery_enabled | Boolean | Enable or disable Direct Install for the entire organization (which overwrites the setting on individual apps). For more information, see Delivering Applications via Direct Install URL. |
password_complexity | Object | Set password requirements for the organization. For more information, see Set Password Requirements. |
application_custom_metadata_template | Object | Submit a custom app metadata template. For more information, see Define a Custom Metadata Template. |
user_custom_metadata_template | Object | Submit a custom user metadata template. For more information, see Define a Custom Metadata Template. |
banner_image_enabled | Boolean | Enable or disable the ability to add a banner image for App Catalogs. |
no_auth_policies_enabled | Boolean | Enable or disable No-Registration policies. For more information, see Enable No Registration Policies. |
cors_domain_whitelist | List of Strings | Configure a domain whitelist for custom admin sites. For more information, see Set Password Requirements. |
reviews_default_value | Boolean | Set the value that appears by default when reviews are enabled. |
kryptowire_settings | Object | Set the Kryptowire API Key. For more information, see Set the Kryptowire API Key. |
notify_on_device_registration | Boolean | Enable or disable notifications when devices are registered. For more information, see Enable Device Registration Notification. |
policies_frequency_evaluation_in_hours | Integer | For more information, see Set the Policy Evaluation Frequency. |
Organization Object Integer Descriptions¶
The organization object include some data fields with integer values that aren’t obvious unless you know the corresponding description.
The following tables identify these values:
Authorization Method
Field name: auth_type
Value | Description |
0 | Normal Apperian login with username and password. |
1 | SSO login, which redirects to the user’s SSO login page. |
2 | SSO login, which uses HTTP-Auth. |
Organization Object Example¶
The following example illustrates a typical response from PUT /v3/organizations/<org_id> after sending a request to update an organization.
"warnings": [],
"organization": {
"app_installation_path":"Enterprise Apps",
"email_from_name":"The Apperian System",
"invite_subject_for_affiliated":"Apperian Affiliated Administrator",
"invite_subject_for_user":"Welcome to Apperian",
"invite_template_for_user":"Welcome to Apperian",
"name":"Arxan Technologies",
"default":"default value",
"label":"Description: ",
"label":"Enabled by default? ",
"default":"default value",
"label":"Name: ",
"default":"default value",
"label":"Password: ",
"label":"Restaurant A",
"label":"Restaurant B",
"label":"Restaurant C",
"default":"default value",
"label":"Description: ",
"label":"Enabled by default? ",
"default":"default value",
"label":"Name: ",
"default":"default value",
"label":"Password: ",
"label":"Restaurant A",
"label":"Restaurant B",
"label":"Restaurant C",