Common Organization Data

In order to simplify the organization management process, the response from the following endpoints always returns an organization object in JSON form:

  • GET /v3/organizations/<org_id>
  • PUT /v3/organizations/<org_id>

The following table describes the editable fields in the organization object:

Field Type Description
support_email String For more information, see Modify the Support Email Address.
email_from_name String Set the name that appears in the From field for automatic email notifications.
email_from_address String Set the email address that appears in the From field for automatic email notifications.
email_reply_to_address String Set the email address used for replying to automatic email notifications.
invite_template_for_user String For more information, see Customizing Email Messages.
invite_subject_for_user String For more information, see Customizing Email Messages.
invite_template_for_affiliated String For more information, see Customizing Email Messages.
invite_subject_for_affiliated String For more information, see Customizing Email Messages.
session_timeout_in_minutes Integer Set the number of minutes a user stays logged into the App Catalog if they don’t choose Remember Me at login. 10 minutes by default.
remember_me_timeout_in_minutes Integer Set the number of minutes a user stays logged into the App Catalog if they do choose Remember Me at login. 1 week by default.
no_auth_app_delivery_enabled Boolean Enable or disable Direct Install for the entire organization (which overwrites the setting on individual apps). For more information, see Delivering Applications via Direct Install URL.
password_complexity Object Set password requirements for the organization. For more information, see Set Password Requirements.
application_custom_metadata_template Object Submit a custom app metadata template. For more information, see Define a Custom Metadata Template.
user_custom_metadata_template Object Submit a custom user metadata template. For more information, see Define a Custom Metadata Template.
banner_image_enabled Boolean Enable or disable the ability to add a banner image for App Catalogs.
no_auth_policies_enabled Boolean Enable or disable No-Registration policies. For more information, see Enable No Registration Policies.
cors_domain_whitelist List of Strings Configure a domain whitelist for custom admin sites. For more information, see Set Password Requirements.
reviews_default_value Boolean Set the value that appears by default when reviews are enabled.
kryptowire_settings Object Set the Kryptowire API Key. For more information, see Set the Kryptowire API Key.
notify_on_device_registration Boolean Enable or disable notifications when devices are registered. For more information, see Enable Device Registration Notification.
policies_frequency_evaluation_in_hours Integer For more information, see Set the Policy Evaluation Frequency.

Organization Object Integer Descriptions

The organization object include some data fields with integer values that aren’t obvious unless you know the corresponding description.

The following tables identify these values:

Authorization Method

Field name: auth_type

Value Description
0 Normal Apperian login with username and password.
1 SSO login, which redirects to the user’s SSO login page.
2 SSO login, which uses HTTP-Auth.

Organization Object Example

The following example illustrates a typical response from PUT /v3/organizations/<org_id> after sending a request to update an organization.

    "warnings": [],
    "organization": {
        "app_installation_path":"Enterprise Apps",
        "email_from_name":"The Apperian System",
        "invite_subject_for_affiliated":"Apperian Affiliated Administrator",
        "invite_subject_for_user":"Welcome to Apperian",
        "invite_template_for_user":"Welcome to Apperian",
        "name":"Arxan Technologies",
                "default":"default value",
                "label":"Description: ",
                "label":"Enabled by default? ",
                "default":"default value",
                "label":"Name: ",
                "default":"default value",
                "label":"Password: ",
                        "label":"Restaurant A",
                        "label":"Restaurant B",
                        "label":"Restaurant C",
                "default":"default value",
                "label":"Description: ",
                "label":"Enabled by default? ",
                "default":"default value",
                "label":"Name: ",
                "default":"default value",
                "label":"Password: ",
                        "label":"Restaurant A",
                        "label":"Restaurant B",
                        "label":"Restaurant C",