Catalog API

Apperian App Management includes App Catalogs that you can distribute to your mobile end users. These catalogs enable users to see all the enterprise apps they are authorized to access. Users can search for and install apps, access screen shots and related media such as PDF files and videos, install app updates, and more. For more about the App Catalogs provided with Apperian, see Managing App Catalogs.

Using the Catalogs API, you can build your own enterprise app catalog, or integrate the ability for users to access and install apps into another system, such as a corporate portal.

The Catalogs API lets you:

  • Authenticate and register an app catalog.
  • List applications available to the authenticated user.
  • List data for a specific application.
  • List apps ranked by popularity (number of downloads).
  • List featured applications.
  • List apps by category.
  • Search for apps.
  • Search application data for a query string.
  • List downloaded, updated, mandatory updates, and installed apps.
  • Post a list of installed apps.


Apperian assigns a unique ID to each application you add. With the Publishing API, this ID is returned as an appID. With other API resources, it is returned as either an app_psk or app_id (or both). When you send a request to any REST API resources where you need to specify an ID for an application, you can send the appID, app_id, or app_psk; Apperian accepts the value of any of these parameters.


POST /v2/catalog/authenticate/

Authenticate User and Register App Catalog

Use this resource to authenticate an App Catalog user, and optionally register the App Catalog with Apperian. This is the authenticate resource you need to call to authenticate users for requests to Catalog API, Downloads and Installs API , and Reviews API resources. In this request you’ll provide the user ID and password for a valid Apperian user and information about the user’s device. This enables Apperian to respond with data appropriate for both the user and the device. For example, you can request a list of applications that can both run on the device (they are built for the correct operating system) and be accessed by the user (they are assigned to a group to which the user is a member).

Once you specify the credentials for a valid Apperian user, Apperian responds with a unique User token that you can then provide in the HTTPS header (as X-TOKEN: {token}) of one or more subsequent requests to the Catalog API, Downloads and Installs API, and Reviews API. The token authenticates a specific user, so you will need to provide different tokens based on who you need to authenticate during the transaction. Within an API session, if you need to connect as the same user for multiple requests, you can use the same token.

To register an App Catalog, you provide the bundle/package ID and version number of the App Catalog installed on the user’s device. Apperian uses this information to create (if not already created) or identify a unique identifier for the device–the “device ID.” A device ID associates a user with a particular App Catalog version and device. Device ID is used with many functions in Apperian.

For details on authenticating in all other Apperian APIs, see Authentication.


This resource authenticates users with the default Apperian authentication method. Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication to Apperian is not yet supported through the Apperian API.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameters

(Required only if register_catalog is set to true) App Catalog bundle ID (iOS) or package ID (Android, Windows 8, and Windows Phone). For example: --header "X-BUNDLE-ID: com.apperian.hub.ios"
(Required only if register_catalog is set to true) App Catalog version number. For example: --header "X-VERSION-NUM: 1.2.3"
(Required with all requests) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to:

Data Parameters

(Required) User ID of the authenticating user. The token will be tied to this user.
(Required) User’s password.
  • true specifies that the token will use the Remember Me expiration timeout for the organization.
  • false specifies that the token will use the default session expiration defined for the organization. With
    the App Catalog, this is set when the user selects a Remember Me option on the Login page.
  • true registers the App Catalog and version number specified in the header of the request.
  • false does not register an App Catalog. Use this setting only if you are requesting data for a catalog
    that is not installed on a user’s device. For example, an enterprise portal.

(Required) Device information used to identify the device. Include the following parameters:

The device manufacturer.
operating system

A code for the operating system running on the device. Use one of these codes:

0 Unknown
1 iOS
102 Android 2
103 Android 3
104 Android 4
105 Android 5
106 Android 6
107 Android 7
108 Android 8
109 Android 9
401 Windows Phone 8
The name of the operating system running on the device.
The version of the operating system running on the device.
The device name.

(Required) A unique identifier for the device. When Apperian receives this identifier, it looks to see if it already exists in the Apperian database. If it does not, Apperian creates a new entry for the device.

For this type of device… Provide this ID…
iOS The vendor ID for your custom App Catalog app.
Android The Wifi Mac address of the device.
Windows Phone A unique ID fetched using the Windows PhoneDeviceExtendedProperties.GetValue method.
Windows 8 The first network device’s mac address.
apns_token (iOS)

Push notification token received from Apple.

To get this token, you will need to register to receive push notifications via Apple Push Notification Service. For instructions, see the iOS Developer Library.


The form factor of the device. Use one of these codes:

0 Unknown
1 Phone
2 Tablet
The device model.
Total RAM on the device. DATA TYPE: integer
Available RAM on the device. DATA TYPE: integer
Total storage on the device. DATA TYPE: integer
Available storage on the device. DATA TYPE: integer
Whether or not the device has a camera. DATA TYPE: boolean
Whether or not the device has a front camera. DATA TYPE: boolean
Whether or not the device supports a flash. DATA TYPE: boolean

For example:

"device_info": {  "manufacturer": "Apple, Inc.", "operating_system": "1", "operating_system_name": "iPhone OS",
"operating_system_version": "7.1.1", "name": "Harry's iPhone", "udid": "[some guid]", "form_factor": 1, "model": iPhone5,1"}

Example Request

The following cURL command authenticates the rjames user.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"
   --header "X-BUNDLE-ID: com.apperian.appcatalog"
   --header "X-VERSION-NUM: 3.0.316"
   --data '{"user_id": "rjames",
            "password": "123456",
            "remember_me": true,
            "register_catalog": true,
            "device_info": {
               "manufacturer": "Apple, Inc.",
               "operating_system": "1",
               "operating_system_name": "iPhone OS",
               "operating_system_version": "7.0.6",
               "name": "Kiosk iPad 1",
               "udid": "FFFFFFFFA8DF6FB4697A44C09DDFBB7D87B83269",
               "form_factor": "2",
               "model": "iPad2,2"}

Example Response

The response returns a unique access token. It also returns data about the user, the user’s organization, and the user’s device.

     "device": {
       "front_camera": false,
       "operating_system_name": "iPhone OS",
       "form_factor": 2,
       "until_date": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999",
       "total_ram": 0,
       "flash": false,
       "apns_token": null,
       "total_storage": 0,
       "camera": false,
       "id": "BTCPAPFAxDe4cbMgPXOrow",
       "operating_system_version": "7.0.6",
       "manufacturer": "Apple, Inc.",
       "operating_system": 1,
       "name": "Kiosk iPad 1",
       "jailbreak_status": -1,
       "created": "2015-07-29T01:58:11.426548+00:00",
       "udid": "FFFFFFFFA8DF6FB4697A44C09DDFBB7D87B83339",
       "free_storage": 0,
       "free_ram": 0,
       "model": "iPad2,2",
       "disabled_reason": null,
       "single_app_mode_app_psk": null
     "organization": {
       "id": "zDSrz_B5N_FjYAHlHBosnQ",
       "app_installation_path": "Enterprise Apps",
       "name": "Example Company 8"
     "token": "2vycuVpYR7O_imehLjU92A",
     "ttl_in_seconds": 604799,
     "user": {
       "id": "zDSrz_B5N_FjYAHlHBosnQ",
       "first_name": "Robert",
       "last_name": "James",
       "modified_date": "2015-07-27T10:56:18+00:00",
       "email": "",
       "mobile_phone": "122-890-7890",
       "role": 1,
       "created_date": "2013-07-23T18:46:36.487342+00:00",
       "until_date": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999",
       "user_id": "rjames",
       "last_login_from_catalog": "2015-07-29T01:58:11.377008"
     "touch_id_auth": {
       "authentication_method": null,
       "authentication_url": null,
       "enable_touch_id": false,
       "event_intermediate_button": null,
       "event_login_button": "touchstart",
       "login_method": null,
       "login_url": null,
       "param_password": null,
       "param_user": null,
       "selector_intermediate_button": null,
       "selector_login_button": "#login-button",
       "selector_password": "#login-password",
       "selector_user": "#login-username"
GET /v2/catalog/applications/

List Applications for the Authenticated User’s Device

Requires user and device context. Use token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of applications available to the authenticated user on the user’s specific device. In addition to listing only those applications that a user has permission to see based on organization and group, this resource also filters applications based on the user’s device (form factor). It does not return any applications that are disabled in EASE.

The resource response includes an ApplicationModel object for each application. Each ApplicationModel object includes:

  • A VersionModel object that defines the latest version of the application.
  • An InstallFileModel object that defines how to download the latest version.

All model objects are filtered so that the catalog user can see only the appropriate fields.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters

(Optional) Defines starting index of the page. Default: 0 (first element)
(Optional) Number of objects to display in a page. Default: 20
(Optional) Sort the list of returned data based on one or more fields. For more information, see Controlling GET Responses Default: name

Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

This example returns one application.

curl ""
    --header "X-UDID: FFFFFFFFA8DF6FB4697A44C09DDFBB7D87B83269" --header "X-TOKEN: MkeEs5xYRNyRiSIlrGi4QQ"

Example Response

  "applications": [
      "url_scheme": "",
      "id": "4LFYXMxwSPWJo46m6-sNzA",
      "catalog_info": {
        "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
        "user_liked": null,
        "review_quote": "Be the first to review this app!",
        "num_likes": 0,
        "last_install_file_downloaded_id": null,
        "last_version_downloaded_id": null,
        "has_update": false,
        "num_dislikes": 0,
        "num_downloads": 0
      "version": {
        "app_name": "Actions",
        "version_num": "2.0",
        "version_note": "a",
        "binary_version": "2.0",
        "custom_metadata": null,
        "long_description": "Come on. Get organized today with the Actions app.",
        "release_date": "2017-02-17T22:01:48+00:00",
        "id": "duUg3f151oxu0Uye7L0pVQ",
        "short_description": "Manage Your TO DO List",
        "icon_path": "",
        "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
          "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Actions.ipa",
          "size": 130877
      "reviews_enabled": true,
      "type": 0,
      "add_to_start": false,
      "bundle_id": "com.apperian.standard",
      "banner_image_url": "",
      "categories": [
          "constant": "COMPANY",
          "name": "Company Wide",
          "icon_path": "/icons/categories/company_wide.png",
          "org_id": "Ynm4meEuG4HOIOu7zwtC3A",
          "i18n_token": "application_category_company_wide",
          "id": "XTBEV_SGPlI0oI8ozGTh0A",
          "description": ""
      "required_by_group": false
  "paging": {
      "total": 1,
      "next": null,
      "previous": null
GET /v2/catalog/applications/(application)

List Data for a Specific Application

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns details for the latest version of the specified application available to the authenticated user.


Environment URL
North America<application>

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID for the app. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.
Data Parameters

Example Request

curl -X GET ""
    --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b" --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

    "application": {
        "add_to_start": false,
        "banner_image_url": "",
        "bundle_id": "com.apperian.Training",
        "catalog_info": {
            "has_update": false,
            "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
            "last_install_file_downloaded_id": null,
            "last_version_downloaded_id": null,
            "num_dislikes": 0,
            "num_downloads": 6,
            "num_likes": 1,
            "review_quote": "Great UI changes",
            "user_liked": 1
        "categories": [
                "constant": "COMPANY",
                "description": "",
                "i18n_token": "application_category_company_wide",
                "icon_path": "/icons/categories/company_wide.png",
                "id": "LIq_C_LfObdwYSlNHbR9Fw",
                "name": "Company Wide",
                "org_id": "qAD5Cq41K38PzlQUQwOj3g",
        "id": "HzzlFUtgmqucv4mUAHPxlw",
        "required_by_group": false,
        "reviews_enabled": false,
        "type": 0,
        "url_scheme": "eas5347,eas5347,eas5347",
        "version": {
            "app_name": "Training",
            "binary_version": "2.0",
            "icon_path": "",
            "id": "PVDjBJvpdqO_dCp1damUwg",
            "long_description": "This app is one-stop shopping for all your Example Company training
              needs! Sign up for onsite classes, access CBTs and other training materials, complete
              self assessments, and much more. If you are determined to learn, NO ONE can stop you!",
            "psk": 16860,
            "release_date": "2016-11-23T01:05:42+00:00",
            "short_description": "Corporate Training",
            "version_note": "latest version that is so awesome",
            "version_num": "2.0",
            "custom_metadata": {
                "Location": "Boston",
                "description": "Corporate Training",
                "title": "Division 1"
            "install_file": {
                "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
                "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
                "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
                "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
                "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Training.ipa",
                "size": 130877

List Apps in Order of Popularity (# of Downloads)

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of downloaded native apps in descending order by number of downloads.

Download Count includes App Catalog downloads, but the initial download of an App Catalog is not counted until a user has logged in to the App Catalog on the device; subsequent downloads of App Catalog updates are counted without requiring the user to log in.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters

(Optional) Defines starting index of the page. If not set, it starts from the first element by default.
(Optional) Number of objects to display in a page.

Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

     --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b" --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

  "applications": [
      "url_scheme": "",
      "id": "49DYCelYigYMkYfE6QNw6g",
      "catalog_info": {
        "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
        "user_liked": 0,
        "review_quote": "Be the first to review this app!",
        "num_likes": 3,
        "last_install_file_downloaded_id": null,
        "last_version_downloaded_id": null,
        "has_update": false,
        "num_dislikes": 1,
        "num_downloads": 9
      "version": {
        "app_name": "Benefits",
        "version_num": "2.0",
        "version_note": "Benefits Version Notes",
        "binary_version": "2.0",
        "custom_metadata": null,
        "long_description": "Everything you need to know about benefits at Example Company.",
        "release_date": "2012-01-20T19:52:50.112592+00:00",
        "id": "49DYCelYigYMkYfE6QNw6g",
        "short_description": "Benefits handbook",
        "icon_path": "",
        "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
          "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Benefits.ipa",
          "size": 130877
      "reviews_enabled": null,
      "type": 0,
      "add_to_start": false,
      "bundle_id": "com.apperian.Benefits",
      "banner_image_url": null,
      "categories": [
          "org_psk": 2,
          "constant": "COMPANY",
          "name": "Company Wide",
          "icon_path": "/icons/categories/company_wide.png",
          "org_id": "Ynm4meEuG4HOIOu7zwtC3A",
          "i18n_token": "application_category_company_wide",
          "id": "XTBEV_SGPlI0oI8ozGTh0A",
          "description": ""
      "required_by_group": false
  "paging": {
    "total": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null

List Featured Apps

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of featured applications that are available to the authenticated user and applicable for the user’s device. An administrator can select featured apps in the Admin Portal as a way to encourage App Catalog users to install them. In the App Catalog, featured apps display in the cover flow area at the top of the Popular page in the App Catalog. For more information on featured apps, see Select Featured Apps for the App Catalog.

This resource filters on the authenticated device rather than requiring the catalog app PSK to detect the platform. Rather than returning all the ApplicationFeaturedModel objects, it returns just the ApplicationModel objects inside the ApplicationFeaturedModel objects; the ApplicationFeaturedModel objects have information that the catalog does not need, but the Apperian Administrator does.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET
     --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b" --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

  "applications": [
        "url_scheme": "",
        "id": "uuF6Togc2wcUkGiMPc90SQ",
        "catalog_info": {
          "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
          "user_liked": null,
          "featured_quote": "This is a great app!",
          "review_quote": "Be the first to review this app!",
          "num_likes": 27,
          "last_install_file_downloaded_id": "9SOuUnIotyIQ4VU6H9obCw",
          "last_version_downloaded_id": "2lzJidYE5RVxPHgelHHO3g",
          "has_update": false,
          "num_dislikes": 2,
          "num_downloads": 253
        "version": {
          "app_name": "Directory",
          "version_num": "3.0",
          "version_note": "We've updated this version with more bells and whistlesl!",
          "binary_version": "3.0",
          "custom_metadata": null,
          "long_description": "If it isn't in this directory, it doesn't exist.",
          "release_date": "2017-02-17T22:57:04+00:00",
          "id": "2lzJidYE5RVxPHgelHHO3g",
          "short_description": "Example Company Directory",
          "icon_path": "",
          "install_file": {
              "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
              "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
              "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
              "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
              "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Directory.ipa",
              "size": 130877
        "reviews_enabled": true,
        "type": 0,
        "add_to_start": false,
        "bundle_id": "com.apperian.standard",
        "banner_image_url": "",
        "categories": [
            "org_psk": 2,
            "constant": "COMPANY",
            "name": "Company Wide",
            "icon_path": "/icons/categories/company_wide.png",
            "org_id": "Ynm4meEuG4HOIOu7zwtC3A",
            "i18n_token": "application_category_company_wide",
            "id": "XTBEV_SGPlI0oI8ozGTh0A",
            "description": ""
        "required_by_group": false,
GET /v1/catalog/categories/

List Apps in Each Category

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of application categories that includes the number of applications, in each category, that can be viewed by the authenticated user on the specified device. Apps can be viewed by a user if they are enabled, of the correct form factor and app type for the device, and in the user’s assigned groups.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET
    --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b" --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

  "categories": [
      "psk": 24166,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "BOOKS",
      "name": "Books",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24167,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "BUSINESS",
      "name": "Business",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 2,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24168,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "COMPANY",
      "name": "Company Wide",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 9,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24189,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "CONFIGPROF",
      "name": "Configuration Profile",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24169,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "EDUCATION",
      "name": "Education",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24171,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "EXECUTIVE",
      "name": "Executive",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 1,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24172,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "FINANCE",
      "name": "Finance",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 1,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 37022,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": null,
      "name": "Government",
      "icon_path": "
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": "Apps related to government regulations, policies, and RFPs."
      "psk": 24173,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "HEALTHCARE",
      "name": "Healthcare",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24174,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "HR",
      "name": "Human Resources",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24176,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "NAVIGATION",
      "name": "Navigation",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24177,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "NEWS",
      "name": "News",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24178,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "OPERATIONS",
      "name": "Operations",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 1,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24179,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "PRODUCTIVITY",
      "name": "Productivity",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 1,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24188,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "REC3RDAPPS",
      "name": "Recommended 3rd Party Apps",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24180,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "REFERENCE",
      "name": "Reference",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24186,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "REQUIREDAPPS",
      "name": "Required Apps",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24181,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "SALESMKT",
      "name": "Sales & Marketing",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24182,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "SOCIAL",
      "name": "Social Networking",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24183,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "TRAVEL",
      "name": "Travel",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": "uncategorized",
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": null,
      "name": "Uncategorized",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
      "psk": 24184,
      "org_psk": 1062,
      "constant": "UTILITIES",
      "name": "Utilities",
      "icon_path": "",
      "num_applications": 0,
      "description": ""
GET /v2/catalog/categories/(category)/applications/

List Apps in a Specific Category

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of all the applications in a particular category that can be viewed by the authenticated user on the specified device (correct form factor and in the user’s assigned groups).


Environment URL
North America<category>/applications/

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID for the category. DATA TYPE: string
(Required) Defines starting index of the page. If not set, it starts from the first element by default. DATA TYPE: integer
(Required) Number of objects to display in a page. DATA TYPE: integer
(Optional) Which application field and order (set a “-” at the start of the parameter to indicate desc order, in other case ascending) to use as the sorting key: Default: name

Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET ""
     --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b" --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

  "paging": {
    "total": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null
  "category_applications": [
      "url_scheme": "",
      "id": "4LFYXMxwSPWJo46m6-sNzA",
      "catalog_info": {
        "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
        "user_liked": null,
        "review_quote": "Be the first to review this app!",
        "num_likes": 0,
        "last_install_file_downloaded_id": null,
        "last_version_downloaded_id": null,
        "has_update": false,
        "num_dislikes": 0,
        "num_downloads": 0
      "version": {
        "app_name": "Actions",
        "version_num": "2.0",
        "version_note": "Includes bug fixes",
        "binary_version": "2.0",
        "custom_metadata": null,
        "long_description": "Get organized today with the Actions app.",
        "release_date": "2017-02-17T22:01:48+00:00",
        "id": "duUg3f151oxu0Uye7L0pVQ",
        "short_description": "Manage your TO DO list.",
        "icon_path": "",
        "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
          "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Actions.ipa",
          "size": 130877
      "reviews_enabled": true,
      "type": 0,
      "add_to_start": false,
      "bundle_id": "com.apperian.standard",
      "banner_image_url": "",
      "categories": [
          "org_psk": 2,
          "constant": "COMPANY",
          "name": "Company Wide",
          "icon_path": "/icons/categories/company_wide.png",
          "org_id": "Ynm4meEuG4HOIOu7zwtC3A",
          "i18n_token": "application_category_company_wide",
          "id": "XTBEV_SGPlI0oI8ozGTh0A",
          "description": ""
      "required_by_group": false
GET /v2/catalog/search/

Search Application Data

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Searches for the specified query string in the list of applications available to the authenticated user. The query searches the Name, Version, Short Description, and Long Description fields for a text match.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters

(Required) Text string that will be used for the query. DATA TYPE: string
(Optional) Which application field and order (set a “-” at the start of the parameter to indicate desc order, in other case ascending) to use as the sorting key: Default: name

Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET ""
     --header "X-UDID: FFFFFFFFA8DF6FB4697A44C09DDFBB7D87B83269" --header "X-TOKEN: yuMYpRFxR--hBA5v3qP2Dw"

Example Response

The request above queries for the string “training” and returns data about one application.

  "applications": [
      "url_scheme": "",
      "id": "Skhyo45wxzMEiZVlgBkaZw",
      "catalog_info": {
        "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
        "user_liked": null,
        "review_quote": "Be the first to review this app!",
        "num_likes": 0,
        "last_install_file_downloaded_id": null,
        "last_version_downloaded_id": null,
        "has_update": false,
        "num_dislikes": 0,
        "num_downloads": 0
      "version": {
        "app_name": "Training",
        "version_num": "2.0",
        "version_note": "Includes bug fixes",
        "binary_version": "2.0",
        "custom_metadata": null,
        "long_description": "Your one stop shop for all training needs.",
        "release_date": "2014-01-09T16:05:01.042354+00:00",
        "id": "g-zL5G6YkxZOrbJHd0j9zA",
        "short_description": "Training Portal",
        "icon_path": "",
        "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
          "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Training.ipa",
          "size": 130877
      "reviews_enabled": true,
      "type": 0,
      "add_to_start": false,
      "bundle_id": "com.apperian.Training",
      "banner_image_url": "",
      "categories": [
          "constant": "COMPANY",
          "name": "Company Wide",
          "icon_path": "/icons/categories/company_wide.png",
          "org_id": "Ynm4meEuG4HOIOu7zwtC3A",
          "i18n_token": "application_category_company_wide",
          "id": "XTBEV_SGPlI0oI8ozGTh0A",
          "description": ""
      "required_by_group": false
GET /v2/catalog/applications/downloaded/

List Downloaded Applications

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of applications that the authenticated user has downloaded onto the specified device.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET
     --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A" --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b"

Example Response

  "applications": [
      "url_scheme": "appcatalog",
      "id": "wElzMR1ZsqhaK3ZM1H2ktg",
      "catalog_info": {
        "last_install_file_downloaded_id": "uqfkQIUB4Y4kM2nlTKIgVw",
        "last_version_downloaded_id": "DGkBu2v_mJLnX8jkdbxTXQ",
      "version": {
        "app_name": "App Catalog",
        "version_num": "3",
        "version_note": "Various bug fixes.",
        "binary_version": "3",
        "custom_metadata": null,
        "long_description": "The App Catalog delivers your applications straight to your device.",
        "release_date": "2017-02-17T22:36:14.475790+00:00",
        "id": "DGkBu2v_mJLnX8jkdbxTXQ",
        "short_description": "Delivers applications.",
        "icon_path": "org_2/iphone_80/AppIcon76x76@2x~ipad.png",
        "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
          "path": "org_2/iphone_62/App_Catalog.ipa",
          "size": 130877
      "reviews_enabled": true,
      "type": 0,
      "add_to_start": false,
      "bundle_id": "com.apperian.appcatalog",
      "banner_image_url": "",
      "required_by_group": false
      "url_scheme": "",
      "id": "uuF6Togc2wcUkGiMPc90SQ",
      "catalog_info": {
        "last_install_file_downloaded_id": "9SOuUnIotyIQ4VU6H9obCw",
        "last_version_downloaded_id": "2lzJidYE5RVxPHgelHHO3g",
      "version": {
        "app_name": "Directory",
        "version_num": "3.0",
        "version_note": "We've updated this version with lots of bells and whistles!",
        "binary_version": "3.0",
        "custom_metadata": null,
        "long_description": "If you can't find it in this directory, it doesn't exist.",
        "release_date": "2017-02-17T22:57:04+00:00",
        "id": "2lzJidYE5RVxPHgelHHO3g",
        "short_description": "Example Company Directory",
        "icon_path": "org_2/iphone_6/Training_57.png",
        "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
          "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Directory.ipa",
          "size": 130877
      "reviews_enabled": true,
      "type": 0,
      "add_to_start": false,
      "bundle_id": "com.apperian.standard",
      "banner_image_url": "",
      "required_by_group": false
GET /v2/catalog/applications/updates/

List Applications with Updates

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of applications that are installed on the users device and have an update available.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET
--header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b" --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

In the following example, there is one update available.

  "updateable_apps": [
      "url_scheme": "",
      "id": "4LFYXMxwSPWJo46m6-sNzA",
      "catalog_info": {
        "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
        "user_liked": 1,
        "review_quote": "It's great!",
        "num_likes": 70,
        "last_install_file_downloaded_id": "VB7NEuLsft_vVovjky0Baw",
        "last_version_downloaded_id": "duUg3f151oxu0Uye7L0pVQ",
        "has_update": true,
        "num_dislikes": 8,
        "num_downloads": 953
      "version": {
        "app_name": "Actions",
        "version_num": "2.0",
        "version_note": "a",
        "binary_version": "2.0",
        "custom_metadata": null,
        "long_description": "a",
        "release_date": "2017-02-18T00:10:46+00:00",
        "id": "duUg3f151oxu0Uye7L0pVQ",
        "short_description": "a",
        "icon_path": "",
        "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
          "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Actions.ipa",
          "size": 130877
      "reviews_enabled": true,
      "type": 0,
      "add_to_start": false,
      "bundle_id": "com.apperian.standard",
      "banner_image_url": "",
      "custom_metadata": null,
      "long_description": "An application for testing a variety of functionality on the device.",
      "release_date": "2017-02-18T00:10:46+00:00",
      "id": "duUg3f151oxu0Uye7L0pVQ",
      "short_description": "Test out your phone!",
      "icon_path": ""
      "categories": [
          "constant": "COMPANY",
          "name": "Company Wide",
          "icon_path": "/icons/categories/company_wide.png",
          "org_id": "Ynm4meEuG4HOIOu7zwtC3A",
          "i18n_token": "application_category_company_wide",
          "id": "XTBEV_SGPlI0oI8ozGTh0A",
          "description": ""
      "required_by_group": false

In the following example, there are no updates available.

     "updateable_apps": []
GET /v2/catalog/applications/mandatory/

List Applications with Mandatory Updates

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Called by catalogs to retrieve a list of both mandatory apps and apps that have a mandatory update pending. When you add an iOS or Android app to EASE, you can specify that the app is mandatory; users are prompted to install the application when they log in to the App Catalog and cannot continue to use the catalog until the app is installed. For more information on mandatory apps, see Add an Application. When you update an iOS or Android app, you can make the update mandatory to specify that users are required to update to the new version by a particular date. Like with a mandatory app, users are prompted to install mandatory updates when they log in to the App Catalog, and cannot continue to use the App Catalog until all mandatory updates are installed. For more information on mandatory updates, see Mandatory Versus Optional Updates.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

--header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b"
--header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

The following response returns two applications: one is a mandatory app that the user has not yet installed; the other is a mandatory update for an app that the user has already installed.

  "mandatory_apps": [
        "url_scheme": "",
        "id": "49DYCelYigYMkYfE6QNw6g",
        "catalog_info": {
          "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
          "last_install_file_downloaded_id": null,
          "last_version_downloaded_id": null,
        "version": {
          "app_name": "Benefits",
          "version_num": "2.0",
          "version_note": "Latest Version",
          "binary_version": "2.0",
          "custom_metadata": null,
          "long_description": "Everything related to Example Company benefits.",
          "release_date": "2012-01-20T19:52:50.112592+00:00",
          "id": "49DYCelYigYMkYfE6QNw6g",
          "short_description": "Benefits handbook",
          "icon_path": "org_2/iphone_7/Benefits_57.png",
          "install_file": {
            "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
            "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
            "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
            "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
            "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Benefits.ipa",
            "size": 130877
        "reviews_enabled": null,
        "type": 0,
        "add_to_start": false,
        "bundle_id": "com.apperian.Benefits",
        "banner_image_url": null,
        "required_by_group": true
        "url_scheme": "",
        "id": "rJde8feBigUWrQcE6Qitc9",
        "catalog_info": {
          "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
          "last_install_file_downloaded_id": null,
          "last_version_downloaded_id": null,
        "version": {
          "app_name": "Actions",
          "version_num": "3.0",
          "version_note": "Beta release",
          "binary_version": "2.0",
          "custom_metadata": null,
          "long_description": "Come on and get organized today!",
          "release_date": "2012-01-20T19:52:50.112592+00:00",
          "id": "rJde8feBigUWrQcE6Qitc9",
          "short_description": "Manage your TO DO list",
          "icon_path": "org_2/iphone_7/Actions.png",
          "install_file": {
            "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
            "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
            "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
            "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
            "path": "org_2/iphone_62/Actions.ipa",
            "size": 130877
        "reviews_enabled": null,
        "type": 0,
        "add_to_start": false,
        "bundle_id": "com.apperian.Actions",
        "banner_image_url": null,
        "required_by_group": true

In this example, there are no mandatory apps or updates available for the authenticated user.

     "mandatory_apps": []
POST /v1/catalog/applications/installed/

Post List of Installed Applications

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Use this resource to send EASE a list of the applications installed on the authenticated user’s device so that EASE has an up-to-date inventory. When EASE does not have an accurate inventory of what is installed on a user’s device, certain features will not work properly; for example, EASE will not send a push notification to the user’s device when there is an update available for an app it does not know is installed. You can send a request to this resource after Downloads and Installs API requests for apps, and also whenever an application is installed on a device outside of the App Catalog (for example, though a Direct Install link or an MDM system).


To determine whether an iOS app is already installed on a device, compare the URL scheme of the app with the URL schemes registered on the device. To determine whether an Android or Windows app is already installed on a device, compare the package name of the app with the package names registered on the device.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.
(Required) Specifies the content type of the body of data sent with the request. Set to: application/json

Data Parameters


(Required) Comma-separated list of application PSKs or appIDs, with “1” to indicate that an app is installed on the device and “0” to indicate that it is not. For example: '{"applications": {"123": "1", "124": "1", "125": "0"} }'

To retrieve the application PSKs, you can first send a request to the GET /catalog/applications resource. It returns information, including psk, for each application available to the authenticated user.

Example Request

curl -X  POST
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-UDID: FFFFFFFFA8DF6FB4697A44C09DDFBB7D87B83289"
     --header "X-TOKEN: DsF1AAy6TCGNd2WE_un-0g"
     --data '{"applications": {"7150": "1", "2377": "1", "11377": "0"}}'

Example Response

  "updated": true
GET /v1/catalog/applications/installed/

List Installed Applications

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns a list of applications that the authenticated user has installed on to the specified device through the App Catalog.

In order for EASE to have an accurate record of what is installed on the device, the catalog should send a request to POST /catalog/applications/installed after any apps are installed on the device.

NOTE: ‘source’ is a DEPRECATED attribute and will be removed in the near future.


Environment URL
North America

URL Parameters


Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET
     --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A" --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b"

Example Response

  "installed_apps": [
      "updated_date": "2014-02-10T19:09:12.855823",
      "psk": 194,
      "version_psk": 15208,
      "device_psk": 856,
      "user_psk": 24,
      "source": 2,
      "created_date": "2014-02-05T11:50:39.038194",
      "app_psk": 1910
      "updated_date": "2014-02-04T21:46:05.449752",
      "psk": 180,
      "version_psk": 15146,
      "device_psk": 856,
      "user_psk": 24,
      "source": 2,
      "created_date": "2014-02-04T21:39:41.062779",
      "app_psk": 7398
      "updated_date": "2014-02-10T19:13:12.762927",
      "psk": 179,
      "version_psk": 15148,
      "device_psk": 856,
      "user_psk": 24,
      "source": 2,
      "created_date": "2014-02-04T21:39:28.306171",
      "app_psk": 2377
      "updated_date": "2014-02-10T19:13:12.757301",
      "psk": 74,
      "version_psk": 14967,
      "device_psk": 856,
      "user_psk": 24,
      "source": 2,
      "created_date": "2014-01-29T14:08:42.141502",
      "app_psk": 7354
GET /v2/catalog/applications/versions/(version)

List Data for a Specific Version of Application

Requires user and device context. Use session token returned from POST /catalog/authenticate.

Returns application details for a specific version of application, including latest version and install file information.


Environment URL
North America<version>

URL Parameters

(Required) Unique ID for a specific version of an application. DATA TYPE: string

Header Parameter

(Required) Unique identifier assigned by Apperian to the device.
(Required) User token returned by POST /catalog/authenticate. For more information, see Authentication.

Data Parameters


Example Request

curl -X GET
    --header "X-UDID: 90b0e24db7f650bbec684b60c6da855e4c98b28b" --header "X-TOKEN: eTg8ktZXRqKIBJTHunwP6A"

Example Response

  "application": {
    "url_scheme": "",
    "id": "uuF6Togc2wcUkGiMPc90SQ",
    "catalog_info": {
      "install_uri": "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&
      "user_liked": null,
      "review_quote": "Be the first to review this app!",
      "num_likes": 0,
      "last_install_file_downloaded_id": "9SOuUnIotyIQ4VU6H9obCw",
      "last_version_downloaded_id": "2lzJidYE5RVxPHgelHHO3g",
      "has_update": false,
      "num_dislikes": 0,
      "num_downloads": 3
    "version": {
      "app_name": "Directory New!",
      "version_num": "3.0",
      "version_note": "We've updated this version with some new bells and whistles!",
      "binary_version": "3.0",
      "custom_metadata": null,
      "long_description": "If you can't find the information here, it doesn't exist!",
      "release_date": "2017-02-17T22:57:04+00:00",
      "id": "2lzJidYE5RVxPHgelHHO3g",
      "short_description": Example Company Directory",
      "icon_path": "",
      "install_file": {
          "id": "1WOqHgpdhTBt0zjBN9eOWw",
          "sign_credentials_id": "N4OnKts9anclqJjcQz02Zg",
          "expires": "2019-02-03T14:16:08.000000+00:00",
          "created": "2017-02-13T21:25:08.663884+00:00",
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